Our skilled nurses coordinate your individual healthcare needs with your physician to maintain optimal health, prevent hospitalization, and shorten hospital stays.
Nursing can benefit the client in a variety of ways:
Diagnosis-based Nursing Assessments
Early detection may prevent emergent hospitalizations and unscheduled doctor appointments
Coordinate care with your primary physician and specialist to prevent duplication of medications or treatment
Physicians may order medication changes or lab draws for the home care nurse to manage without the need for a visit to the clinic
Medication management which may include set up in a pill planner, administration of medications and education
Wound care and injections
Connect consumers and families with community resources to improve and promote the consumer’s independence
Early DetectionDiagnosis-based Nursing Assessments | Medication ManagementWhich may include set up in a pill planner, administration of medications and education. | NursingProviding peace of mind. | InjectionsHelp with medical injections. |